

上海媚测信息科技有限公司  2024年 78日发布


第一条 特别提示

1.1 上海媚测信息科技有限公司(以下简称“美测”)特别提醒您(用户)在登录成为用户之前,请认真阅读本《美测软件许可及用户账号协议》(以下简称“协议”),确保您充分理解本协议,包括免除美测责任及限制用户权利的条款。对于本协议中的加重字体、斜体、下划线、颜色标记等条款需重点阅读、理解。请您审慎阅读并选择接受或不接受本协议。除非您接受本协议所有条款,否则您无权登录或使用本协议所涉服务。您的登录、使用等行为将视为对本协议的接受,并同意接受本协议各项条款的约束。

1.2 本协议约定美测与用户之间关于“美测”软件服务(以下简称“服务”)的权利义务。“用户”是指登录、使用本服务的法人和个人

1.3 本协议由美测随时更新,更新后的协议条款一旦公布即代替原来的协议条款,届时恕不通知,用户可在美测官方网站(http://.meicet.com/)查阅最新版协议。如不接受修改后的条款,请用户立即停止使用本服务,继续使用的行为视为接受修改后的协议。

1.4 用户一旦登录、使用,对于提供的资料及数据信息,视为授予美测全球通用的、永久的、免费的许可使用权利。

1.5 法人用户在给其个人客户使用体验前,应告知使用者美测软件会采集其含肖像等信息,美测及合作单位有权使用。因法人用户未履行告知义务带来的责任由法人用户承担。


第二条 账号登录及使用管理

2.1 用户使用前需登录美测”账号,并完成相关信息(包括但不限于营业执照信息、品牌信息、联络信息等)的填写。美测有权对账号登录和绑定的方式进行变更,无须事先通知用户。

2.2 账号创建成功后,用户可以通过“后台”界面更改本人的信息,未及时更改造成的损失自负。用户应妥善管理好自己的密码,不应把自己的密码告诉其他第三者;如果遗失密码,需及时通知美测,并按美测的指导来解决。

2.3 用户不能利用美测提供的服务进行如下行为:

1) 擅自更改、消除或毁损美测广告业务提供的各种信息;
2) 利用技术手段批量建立虚假账号;
3) 侵害美测以及第三方的知识产权;
4) 提交、发布虚假信息,或盗用他人资料,冒充、利用他人名义;
5) 未经美测许可,而传播广告或淫秽暴力等信息;

6) 进行危害美测软件安全、正常使用的行为,不得将用于该用途的软件通过信息网络向公众传播或者运营; 

7) 未经美测书面授权,出售、出租、出借、散布、转移或转授权软件和服务或相关的链接或从使用软件和服务或软件和服务的条款中获利,无论以上使用是否为直接经济或金钱收益; 

8) 违背美测软件使用管理规则,包括但不限于以上所列行为。

2.4 用户若存在上述违规行为,美测软件有权取消其用户资格或其因参加活动所获产品或权益,并停止服务、封停帐号。如该违规行为给美测软件或其合作单位造成损失的,美测软件保留追究赔偿及诉至法律解决的权利。


第三条 用户隐私保护声明

3.1 隐私信息主要指用户在登录、使用美测软件服务过程中所获取的信息,含用户登录信息、检测信息(包括但不限于用户肖像、位置信息等),或在使用美测软件过程中经用户许可收集的信息。

3.2 美测会在自己技术范围内对上述信息提供相应保护,一贯积极地采取技术与管理等合理措施保障用户账号的安全、有效,但同时也请用户了解在信息网络上不存在“完善的安全措施”,因此美测不承诺上述信息的绝对安全。

3.3 美测将善意使用收集的信息,若与第三方合作共同向用户提供相关服务,则美测有权将获取的上述信息提供给该第三方。

3.4 美测可将软件检测中获取的用户产品使用体验、产品讨论或通过技术隐藏保护(比如马赛克或化名等手段)后的图片,公开发表于网络、报刊杂志等各大新闻媒体平台用作产品推广使用;但若公开用户真人信息或全部清晰可见的肖像,须经用户许可。

3.5 用户及其客户同意美测可在以下事项中使用用户的个人隐私信息:
1)  向用户及时发送重要通知,如软件更新、本协议条款的变更;
2)  美测内部进行审计、数据分析和研究等;

3    美测与合作第三方共同承担保护隐私责任的前提下,分享上述信息。

4    依本协议约定,美测管理、审查用户及其客户信息及进行处理措施。

5    在法律法规许可的范围内,包括但不限于以上所列举的事项。

3.6 美测不得擅自披露用户及其客户的个人隐私信息,但以下特定情形除外:




3.7 美测及其合作单位的软件上含有其他网站的链接,美测仅对本软件APP上对隐私保护措施承担责任,对那些网站的隐私保护措施不负任何责任。

3.8 美测公司保留通过邮件、短信、微信、邮寄等形式向用户发送美测公司活动或其关联公司活动信息的权利。如用户不想接收此类信息,请向美测提出说明。

3.9 第三方共享数据清单:





























第四条 服务内容

4.1 软件服务的具体内容由本公司根据实际情况提供,包括但不限于:

  1. 皮肤检测(将来在技术支持的情况下可提供远程检测):指通过采集测试者的脸部图片信息来进行皮肤状态分析测试;面部数据的存储时间长度由用户自己决定,用户删除数据储存数据会根据操作删除;如果用户不进行删除则继续保存。

2) 广告播放:用户及其客户可在软件界面观看广告信息,含美测与第三方供应商、 合作伙伴提供的广告;
3) 相关产品推介:用户根据自己的需要可与美测达成产品推介服务的协议;
4) 平台支付:美测将来可能根据用户需要增加平台支付服务,届时按情况修改本协议。


4.3 在遵守相关法律法规前提下,根据合作广告主的要求,美测有权决定用户在“美测”软件界面上看到的广告内容;用户也可与美测达成广告协议,帮助用户向其客户推送广告信息。


第五条 服务的变更、中断、终止

5.1 因设备维修或更换、故障和通信中断等技术原因而中断业务,美测可视情况事前或事后通知用户。

5.2 美测临时中断业务时将在美测网站(http://www.meicet.com/)公告。

5.3 当美测用户发生如下情况时,美测可单方面终止本协议,取消用户继续使用美测产品及服务的资格:
1) 用户被注销、吊销或陷入重大经济危机、诉讼仲裁活动等;
2) 盗用其他企业的信息;
4) 妨碍其他用户的正常使用;
5) 伪称是美测的工作人员或管理人员;
6) 擅自更改美测的软件系统(包括且不限于黑客攻击等)来,或威胁侵入系统;
7) 擅自传播谣言,用各种手段来毁损美测的名誉与妨碍美测的正常营业;
9) 利用美测的产品及服务宣传垃圾广告;

第六条 知识产权保护

6.1 该软件的知识版权归美测公司所有,任何人侵犯美测公司版权的行为都将承担相应责任。

6.2 美测的商标、广告业务以及所提供的有关广告内容的知识产权都归属于美测。 用户从美测获得的信息内容非经美测许可不能擅自复制、发布或出版。

6.3 用户同意在美测平台发表的产品使用体验、产品讨论或图片等所有信息,除署名权、发表权、修改权外的其他知识产权权利(包括但不限于:复制权、发行权、出租权、展览权、表演权、放映权、广播权、信息网络传播权、摄制权、改编权、翻译权、汇编权以及应当由著作权人享有的其他可转让权利),均独家排他无偿许可给美测,并同意美测以自己名义就所述权利的保护采取任何形式的法律行为,并获得全部赔偿。

6.4 美测及美测许可的第三方有权将用户在美测平台发表的产品使用体验、产品讨论或图片进行使用或者与其他人合作使用,使用范围包括但不限于APP软件、网站、电子杂志、杂志、刊物等新闻媒体。

6.5 本协议已经构成《著作权法》第二十五条所规定的书面协议,其效力及于用户在美测平台发布的任何受著作权法保护的作品内容,无论该内容形成于本协议签订前还是本协议签订后。


第七条 免责条款

7.1 美测软件对使用者皮肤检测结论并非绝对科学有效,仅给用户提供参考意见。

7.2 美测广告业务的文字、图片、音视频等资料均由广告主提供,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息发布人负责。美测仅提供推送不提供任何保证,对广告内容不承担责任。

7.3 用户因广告信息与第三方进行的交易,或因广告商提供的内容而遭受的损失或损害,用户应自行负责或向第三方追偿,美测不承担相关责任。

7.4 美测不保证为向用户提供便利而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接指向的不由美测实际控制的任何网页上的内容,美测不承担责任。

7.5 用户保证:在使用美测软件过程中实施的所有行为均遵守国家法律、法规等规范文件及美测各项规则的规定和要求,不违背社会公共利益或公共道德,不损害他人的合法权益,不违反本协议及相关规则。如果违反前述承诺,产生任何后果的,应以自己的名义独立承担所有的法律责任,美测保留对用户及使用者追偿的权利。


第八条 其他

8.1 美测郑重提醒用户注意本协议中免除美测责任和限制用户权利的条款,请用户仔细阅读,自主考虑风险。

8.2 本协议的效力、解释及纠纷的解决,适用于中华人民共和国法律。若用户和美测之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决,协商不成的,用户同意将纠纷或争议提交美测住所地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。

8.3 本协议的任何条款无论因何种原因无效或不具可执行性,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。

8.4 本协议相关免责声明等版权及其修改权、更新权和最终解释权均属美测所有。 

8.5 本协议从2015年  10月  10日起适用。



      地 址:上海市             

2024年  7月 8日发布



Meice Pro User Privacy Agreement

Shanghai Meice Information Technology Co., Ltd. released on July 8, 2024


Article 1 Special Reminder

1.1 Shanghai Meice Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Meice") reminds you (the user) to carefully read this "Meice Software License and User Account Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") before logging in as a user, to ensure that you fully understand this Agreement, including the clauses exempting Meice from liability and limiting user rights. Emphasis should be placed on reading and understanding the clauses in this agreement, such as emphasized fonts, italics, underline, and color markings. Please carefully read and choose whether to accept or not to accept this agreement. Unless you accept all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to log in or use the services covered by this agreement. Your login, use, and other actions will be deemed as acceptance of this agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

1.2 This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between Meice and users regarding Meice software services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). "User" refers to the legal entity and individual who logs in and uses this service.

1.3 This agreement is subject to updates by Meice at any time. Once the updated agreement terms are published, they will replace the original agreement terms without notice. Users can access them on the official website of Meice http://.meicet.com/ Refer to the latest version of the agreement. If you do not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using this service. Continuing to use will be deemed as accepting the modified agreement.

1.4 Once a user logs in and uses the provided information and data, it is deemed that Meice has been granted a globally universal, permanent, and free license to use it.

1.5 Before providing a user experience for their individual clients, corporate users should inform the user that Meice Software will collect information including portraits, and Meice and its cooperating units have the right to use it. The responsibility arising from the failure of the legal representative user to fulfill the obligation of disclosure shall be borne by the legal representative user.


Article 2 Account Login and Usage Management

2.1 Before using, users need to log in to the Meice account and complete the relevant information (including but not limited to business license information, brand information, contact information, etc.). Meice reserves the right to change the login and binding methods of the account without prior notice to the user.

2.2 After the account is successfully created, users can change their information through the "backend" interface. Any losses caused by failure to make timely changes will be borne by the user. Users should manage their passwords properly and should not disclose their passwords to other third parties; If the password is lost, it is necessary to notify Meice in a timely manner and follow Meice's guidance to resolve the issue.

2.3 Users cannot use the services provided by Meice to engage in the following behaviors:

(1) Unauthorized modification, elimination, or destruction of various information provided by Meice's advertising business;
(2) Using technological means to establish fake accounts in bulk;
(3) Infringe the intellectual property rights of Meice and third parties;
(4) Submit or publish false information, or steal someone else's information, impersonate or use someone else's name;
(5) Spreading advertisements or obscene and violent information without permission from the US beta;

(6) Engaging in behaviors that endanger the security and normal use of beauty testing software, and not spreading or operating software used for that purpose to the public through information networks;

(7) Sell, rent, lend, distribute, transfer or sublicense software and services or related links, or profit from the use of software and services or the terms of software and services, without written authorization from Meice, regardless of whether the above use is direct economic or monetary gain;

(8) Violation of the management rules for the use of Meice software, including but not limited to the behaviors listed above.

2.4 If the user engages in the above-mentioned violations, Meice Software has the right to cancel their user qualification or the products or rights they have obtained from participating in the activity, and stop the service and account suspension. If the violation causes losses to Meice Software or its cooperating units, Meice Software reserves the right to pursue compensation and seek legal resolution.


Article 3 User Privacy Protection Statement

3.1 Privacy information mainly refers to the information obtained by users during the login and use of Meice software services, including user login information, detection information (including but not limited to user portrait, location information, etc.), or information collected with user permission during the use of Meice software.

3.2 Meice will provide corresponding protection for the above information within its own technical scope, and always actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of user accounts. However, users should also understand that there are no "perfect security measures" on the information network, so Meice does not promise absolute security of the above information.

3.3 Meice will use the collected information in good faith. If it cooperates with a third party to provide relevant services to users, Meice has the right to provide the obtained information to that third party.

3.4 Meice can publicly publish images of user product usage experiences, product discussions, or images protected through technical concealment (such as mosaic or pseudonyms) obtained from software detection on major news media platforms such as the internet, newspapers, and magazines for product promotion and use; But if real user information or all clearly visible portraits are made public, permission from the user is required.

3.5 The user and its customers agree that Meibeta can use the user's personal privacy information in the following matters:
(1) send important notices to the user in a timely manner, such as software updates and changes to the terms of this agreement;
(2) Conduct internal audits, data analysis, and research within Meice;

(3) Under the premise of jointly assuming the responsibility of protecting privacy, Meice and cooperating third parties share the above information.

(4) According to the provisions of this agreement, Meice manages, reviews user and customer information, and takes measures to handle it.

(5) Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, including but not limited to the matters listed above.

3.6 Meice shall not disclose the personal privacy information of users and their clients without authorization, except for the following specific circumstances:

(1) According to the provisions of laws and regulations or the requirements of administrative authorities, disclosure shall be made;
(2) Users enjoy the products and services provided to them, and agree to share the above information between Meibeta and its partners;
(3) Users disclose their personal and customer privacy information to third parties on their own;
(4) Users inform others of their passwords or share their accounts and passwords with others;

(5) The leakage of privacy information due to hacker attacks, computer virus intrusions, and other non US testing reasons;

(6) Meice found that the user has violated the terms of service of this software or other usage regulations of the Meice website.

3.7 The software of Meice and its cooperating units contains links to other websites. Meice is only responsible for the privacy protection measures on this software app and is not responsible for the privacy protection measures of those websites.

3.8 Meice Company reserves the right to send users information on Meice Company's activities or its affiliated companies' activities through email, SMS, WeChat, mail, and other forms. If the user does not want to receive such information, please provide an explanation to Meice.

  3.9 List of third-party shared data

Third party company name




Shared Information Name

Device InfoIMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OAID/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM Card IMSI/ICCID)、Loaction InfoNetwork Info


Conduct APP operation statistics and analysis


data analysis

Sharing method

Embedded third-party SDK, SDK collects and transmits personal information

Third party personal information processing rules


Third party company name



Tencent Bugly

Shared Information Name

Mobile phone model, Mobile phone brand, System version, Manufacturer's system version, CPU architecture type, Whether the device is rooted, Disk space occupation size, SDCard space occupation size, Memory space occupation size, Network type, The process name and PID that the application is currently running


Conduct App runtime error statistics


App runtime error reporting

Sharing method

Embed third-party SDK, The SDK collects and transmits information

Third party personal information processing rules


Article 4 Service Content

4.1 The specific content of software services shall be provided by our company according to the actual situation, including but not limited to:

  1. Skin detection (remote detection can be provided with technical support in the future): refers to the analysis and testing of skin condition by collecting facial image information of testers; The length of time for storing facial data is determined by the user themselves, and when the user deletes the stored data, it will be deleted according to the operation; If the user does not delete, continue saving.

(2) Advertising playback: Users and their customers can view advertising information on the software interface, including advertisements provided by Meice, third-party suppliers, and partners;
(3) Related product promotion: Users can reach an agreement with Meice on product promotion services according to their own needs;
(4) Platform payment: Meice may add platform payment services according to user needs in the future, and this agreement will be modified according to the situation at that time.

4.2 Users can access the Meice websitehttp://www.meicet.com/ Understand the relevant service content.

4.3 Under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, according to the requirements of the cooperating advertisers, Meice has the right to decide the advertising content that users see on the interface of the "Meice" software; Users can also reach advertising agreements with Meice to help push advertising information to their customers.


Article 5 Changes, Interruptions, and Terminations of Services

5.1 If the business is interrupted due to technical reasons such as equipment maintenance or replacement, malfunctions, and communication interruptions, Meitest may notify the user in advance or after the situation.

5.2 In case of temporary interruption of business by Meice, it will be recorded on the Meice website http://www.meicet.com/ Announcement.

5.3 When a user of Meice experiences the following situations, Meice may unilaterally terminate this agreement and cancel the user's qualification to continue using Meice products and services:
(1) the user is cancelled, revoked, or falls into a major economic crisis, litigation and arbitration activities, etc;
(2) Stealing information from other enterprises;
(3) Providing false information when creating users;
(4) Hindering the normal use of other users;
(5) Fake to claim to be a staff member or manager of Meice;
(6) Unauthorized modification of the software system of Meice (including but not limited to hacker attacks), or threat of intrusion into the system;
(7) Spreading rumors without authorization and using various means to damage the reputation of Meice and hinder its normal operation;
(9) Utilize Meice's products and services to promote junk advertising;
(10) Due to other violations and illegal activities of this agreement in the service.

Article 6 Intellectual Property Protection

6.1 The intellectual copyright of this software belongs to Meice Company, and anyone who violates the copyright of Meice Company will bear corresponding responsibilities.

6.2 The trademark, advertising business, and intellectual property rights related to advertising content provided by Meice belong to Meice. Users cannot copy, publish, or publish information obtained from Meice without permission from Meice.

6.3 The user agrees that all information such as product use experience, product discussion or pictures published on the American Beta platform, other intellectual property rights (including but not limited to: reproduction right, distribution right, rental right, exhibition right, performance right, projection right, broadcasting right, information network transmission right, filming right, adaptation right, translation right, compilation right and other transferable rights that should be enjoyed by the copyright owner), except for the right of authorship, publication right and modification right, are exclusively licensed to American Beta, and agrees that American Beta will take any form of legal action in its own name for the protection of the said rights, and obtain full compensation.

6.4 Meice and third parties licensed by Meice have the right to use or collaborate with others on the user's product experience, product discussions, or images published on the Meice platform. The scope of use includes but is not limited to APP software, websites, electronic magazines, magazines, publications, and other news media.

6.5 This agreement constitutes a written agreement as stipulated in Article 25 of the Copyright Law, and its validity extends to any copyrighted works published by the user on the Meice platform, whether such content was formed before or after the signing of this agreement.


Article 7 Disclaimer

7.1 The conclusion of skin testing by the beauty testing software for users is not absolutely scientific and effective, and only provides reference opinions for users.

7.2 The text, images, audio and video, and other materials related to the beauty testing advertising business are provided by the advertiser, and their authenticity, accuracy, and legality are the responsibility of the information publisher. Meice only provides push notifications without any guarantees, and is not responsible for advertising content.

7.3 Users shall be responsible for any losses or damages suffered by them due to advertising information transactions with third parties, or content provided by advertisers. Meice shall not be liable for such losses or damages.

7.4 Meice does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of external links set up to provide convenience to users, and Meice is not responsible for any content on any webpage that is not actually controlled by Meice.

7.5 User Guarantee: All actions taken during the use of the Meice software shall comply with national laws, regulations, and other normative documents, as well as the provisions and requirements of Meice's various rules, and shall not violate social public interests or public ethics, harm the legitimate rights and interests of others, and shall not violate this agreement and related rules. If any consequences arise from violating the aforementioned commitments, Meice shall independently assume all legal responsibilities in its own name, and reserves the right to recover from users and users.

7.6 User Data: During the use of the Meice software, the user is not responsible for clearing the local cache due to the data not being uploaded to the cloud.

Article 8 Others

8.1 Meice solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt Meice from liability and limit user rights. Users are advised to carefully read and consider risks independently.

8.2 The validity, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is any dispute or controversy between the user and Meice, it should be resolved through friendly consultation first. If consultation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or controversy to the people's court with jurisdiction over Meice's place of residence.

8.3 Any provision of this agreement shall remain valid and binding on both parties, regardless of its invalidity or unenforceability for any reason.

8.4 The copyright, modification rights, updating rights, and final interpretation rights related to the disclaimer of this agreement belong to Meice.

8.5 This agreement shall apply from October 10, 2015.


Shanghai Meice Information Technology Co., Ltd


Address: Shanghai

Released on July 8, 2024